Aug 26 Views (962)

A Special Bond With Your Father: Final Fantasy XIV Daddy Of Light

Final Fantasy XIV "Daddy Of Light" official trailer was revealed, it's based on endearing true story. According to perception, Daddy Of Light head to Netflix on September 1, this is the live-action Japanese drama about a father bonding with his son in Final Fantasy XIV. It arrives on Netflix on September 1, so organise a viewing party with your friends now? This following is the latest official trailer, enjoy it. 




It's a live-action series about a boy who gives his father a copy of Final Fantasy XIV to play now that he’s retired, seemingly not expecting too much. Then, his father gets hooked on it, and the two look like they're going to play together. If you want to actually play an MMO rather than watch a show about on, now it's time to buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil and FFXIV Power Leveling



From the trailer, the son plays a woman in-game and that he's ashamed. There's a subbed trailer on Netflix that covers the basic premise: the son gets his father a PlayStation 4 and FFXIV as a retirement gift, and hopes to secretly connect with him in-game so that he opens up and the two can grow closer again. 


Final Fantasy XIV "Daddy Of Light", it make you formed a special bond with your father. The original series was announced earlier this year (when it carried the much funnier subtitle Daddy of Light) and is set both inside and outside of the MMO. Have you ever viewed these news? More news, tips, find more at here