May 12 Views (897)

Any Better a Year Later?

With the v1.19 patch set to hit Final Fantasy XIV later this week,'sm Tingle decided to check out the game. It's been over a year and a lot of updates and changes have been implemented since Adam's last foray. He's got a lot to say about Final Fantasy as it stands now. Read on!

Nobody is quite sure how it happened, but Square Enix's latest attempt at MMORPG conquest has seemingly fallen to its knees and is currently crying out "uncle" to the rest of its online peers. This is a title that was so dismal at launch the CEO of the company actually apologised to the community for releasing such a shoddy product. cheap ffxi gil. I for one accepted that apology and quarantined my own "special edition" copy of Final Fantasy XIV and decided to leave it alone until its noxious gasses had cleared, and its world inhabitable by gamers.