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Companion App Available on iTunes

The iOS version of the Final Fantasy XIV "Libra Eorzea" app is now available on iTunes. The app gives players the chance to check out character profiles and access to a comprehensive game database. Final Fantasy XIV gil. Over time, Square Enix will be adding new features to the app. In addition, the Android version of Libra Eorzea is in the works for a future release date.

    Game Database
    FINAL FANTASY XIV: LIBRA EORZEA contains an encyclopaedic catalog of in-game information, including items, quests, non-playable characters (NPCs), achievements, and more. With a host of updates in the works, the database will serve as an ever-useful resource for the adventurers of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

    Character Profiles
    Players with an active FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn account can log in with their Square Enix account credentials to review their character information such as attributes and gear. They can also browse the profiles of other characters in their Free Company, Linkshell, or use the search function to view details on other players and Free Companies. Moreover, players can even learn where fellow adventurers acquired their gear.