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As Square Enix gets ready to launch Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, we take another look at some of the big changes that have been implemented prior to the "world ending" events as the team gets ready to release A Realm Reborn on the world. See what we've got to say before leaving your thoughts in the comments.

Final Fantasy XIV launched in Q4, 2010 and ended in Q4, 2012.  Over that time there were 23 version builds and a number of sub-builds. ffxi gil. Many of the initial customers dropped out of the game early on and many other potential customers simply avoided the title given the weak reviews.  Many missed out on seeing the evolution of Yoshida's vision for A Realm Reborn.  For the next two columns, I am going to look backwards to better assist us in moving forwards.  In this column, I look at features added to Final Fantasy XIV prior to the End of an Era event.