May 12 Views (1100)

Crafting and the Economy

Crafting seems to be one of the big topics as the shift in MMOs goes from developer created content to player created. Final Fantasy XIV gil. In today's Eorzea Reborn, we take a look at the way that crafting has the potential to influence the Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn economy. Read on and then craft a response in the comments.

    So, recently we seem to have had an explosion of discussion regarding crafting and the economy.  Mark Jacobs really kicked it off in his recent series of Camelot Unchained principles, arguing "while this feature is quite popular... it has come at the cost of decreasing socialization between players and... increased sense of disconnection with the game as a world."  He has promised us that Camelot Unchained will be a player economy driven game where crafting, not PVE adventuring, will determine the gear of the day.