Nov 13 Views (1181)

FFXIV Players Have Been Playing A Realm Reborn And Its Expansions

As FFXIV producer, Yoshida, a Realm Reborn is the first time he worked on it, prior to this, he was focused on Dragon Quest, including Dragon Quest X, the fantasy series' foray into the MMO genre. But now, he sees himself as a Final Fantasy fan first, and a developer second. The recent interview about him also come out, in this interview, he detailed answered many questions for FFXIV, you can head over to FFXIV4Gil, and find more video and other videos & news. 



Players have been playing A Realm Reborn and its various expansions for over four years now. Keeping players engaged - no matter if there is new story content available to them or not - represents arguably the greatest challenge developers of MMOs will face, and A Realm Reborn is no different in that regard. FFXIV: A Realm Reborn is a huge turn point for Final Fantasy XIV, it make this game reach a new level. 


Yoshida says, FFXIV is an MMO, but before that it's an RPG, and before that it's a Final Fantasy game. Yoshida added:" at the heart of that rests a focus on making the main scenario something that players care about. We have spent a huge amount of time making sure that the story is as vital to this game." However, it's important for the players to let us know what it is that they want us to make and I have always thought that it is very important for Final Fantasy to embrace this. 


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