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House Hunters: Eorzea Edition

Square Enix made a lot of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn players swoon with delight over the recent announcement of a robust housing system incoming. In our latest FFXIV column, we take a look at the announcement and provide our own special version of House Hunters.

    The biggest change to the economy so far was discussed towards the beginning of the recent live letter. Buy ffxi gil. The end game instances now drop gil from the monsters when you kill them. Each kill averages 40 to 50 gil per mob. This translates to a few thousand gil per run. When you factor in most players run around 9 level 50 instances a week in order to cap out on their Allagan Tomestones what seems like miniscule amounts of money can quickly add up to tens of thousands of extra gil per player coming into the game, legitimately I might add. Those of you that were squeezing by making your repair bills and teleportation payments should find that you have more than enough gil to sustain yourself now.