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Latest Letter from the Producer Live Digest Published

The Final Fantasy XIV forum has been updated with the digest version from the latest Letter from the Producer LIVE that took place earlier this month. Buy ffxi gil. Among other things, Yoshi-P answered questions regarding time consuming systems, whether or not more information is ready to be revealed about a new race and if there are plans for more cross-game collaboration events.

    Q: Is there anything you can tell us about the expansion?

    A: Well, we've finalized the title and the art is coming along nicely. The team has created mock-ups of the fields using rough polygons so we can check movement and make sure the areas are spacious enough for when we create quests, as well as FATEs where there are large monsters. If there are no problems with this, then the BG team will produce it and the art team will create the art alongside them. The mock-ups have been completed for all of the fields and the work on the maps is moving along at a very rapid pace. We've also completed architectural checks for some of the dungeons as well. We'd like to share details with players globally at the same time, so please wait for Fan Festival to hear details about the expansion.