May 12 Views (681)

Producer Sneaks In Game

During the third Final Fantasy XIV beta, producer Naoki Yoshida managed to squeeze in some anonymous game time. According to the latest Producer's Letter, he played as a Conjurer and never managed to snag that epic robe he was looking to find.

It's been hectic preparing for release, but I've managed to sneak in a little anonymous game time during phase 3 as well. This past weekend I was playing as a conjurer, partying with random players to collect gear from the dungeons. ffxi gil. No matter how many runs I did though, not a single robe dropped. But then, on my last run, the robe I'd been waiting for finally appeared in the loot list! Needless to say, I lotted on it right away-but then the thaumaturge lotted and won by two points. It was all I could do to type "Congrats!" while biting back my tears.