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Recapping The Tokyo Game Show

Square Enix and the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn team were on hand at the Tokyo Game Show recently with some new game information. We've got a full report on everything we learned from TGS so keep reading before heading to the comments to chat.

    Before the show even began Square Enix threw out a little tease to the world. They would have a Titan Challenge. But not only would they have a challenge but if the players at the show won, the players all over the world could win. For each team that defeated Titan they were allowed to draw the name of one world out of a box. cheap ffxiv gil. That world would win a pair of Cactuar Earrings. When I first read this all I could think about is how much whining and crying there would be on the servers that did not win a set of earrings. (I may or may not have joined in on that whining). Much to my delight every server ending up winning a set of earrings. In fact they even added Bomb earrings into the mix and another 61 groups of players beat Titan and ever world won those earring as well. Keep an eye on your mailbox because you should all see a set of these earrings arrive in your mail soon. I do not normally care for just pure fluff items, but when I do it is usually of the iconic FF variety.