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Review In Progress #2

Now that some of the issues plaguing the first week's release of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn have been tempered, we continue our series of Review in Progress articles. What did we find in our second week in Eorzea? Find out and then tell us what you think in the comments.

    In this week's review in progress will cover two topics that are central to this incarnation of XIV; FATEs, and the Job system. FATE or Full Active Time Event is a new addition to A Realm Reborn that was not present in XIV 1.0. While FATE may sound like a word that was turned into an acronym to suit SE's purposes it is actually a welcome addition to Final Fantasy. Most of you are probably aware that over the course of the past few years since 1.0's original release dynamic events have really started to gain ground with the MMO community.Final Fantasy XIV gil. While these events can trace their roots back to the earliest of MMOs they really came to prominence with the release of Rift. They have became even more of a gameplay staple with the massive success of Guild Wars 2. Square Enix took note of this trend and made sure dynamic events were a main feature in their relaunched game.