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Review in Progress #3

Now that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn has "matured" to nearly three weeks since release, we have more thoughts to offer about the game play and more on our way to our final review. See what this week's installment of our Review in Progress has to say before heading to the comments to add your thoughts.

    The armory system ties hand in hand with the class and job system in A Realm Reborn. In any MMO inventory management can become a burden especially for a class that can fill multiple roles. Now imagine the frustration for players trying to carry around gear sets for their disciple of land, disciple of hand, disciple of magic, and disciple of war gear and then toss in a set for fishing to boot. ffxiv gil. All told that can turn into a mountain of gear that very few people, if anyone, could realistically manage. That is where the armory system comes in.