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Tempting FATE

It seems that 'dynamic content' is all the rage in MMOs these days. But sometimes that dynamic content can be a double-edged sword. ffxiv gil. In today's Eorzea Reborn column, we take a look at how that might manifest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Read on before heading to the comments.

In the recent Video Producer's Letter embedded above, Yoshida demonstrates a couple of FATE iterations.  For an example, see the 1:05:33 mark of the producer's letter.  In one example, the players have to fend off waves of rushing Goblins.  In the video, FATE appears both on the mini-map and zone map (1:06:59) and appears to have context sensitive pop-up text for each FATE (in Japanese, so I can't be certain).  In the second demonstration (1:09:25), the heroes are working together to take a fort from bandits.  Entering a FATE area prompts the player with a large splash screen message and gives the player a set of objectives for the FATE.  Players appear to work together to complete the FATE, regardless of whether or not they are in a party.