May 12 Views (628)

The Let is Play FFXIV Impasse

To today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at this summer's most anticipated MMO, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and a topic that many players may not be aware of as they log into the game. Find out what you might be missing and then head to the comments to leave us your thoughts.

    Some of you may have noticed that The Devil's Advocate was kind of missing last week. I developed an upper respiratory infection and needed to spend a few days to recover, but I'm mostly on the mend now, and just in time too. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (FFXIV: ARR) is available for play!

    While I haven't been able to get too into it, I was able to do some light reading during my downtime, which led to my finding out about Square Enix's Materials Usage License (M.U.L.) for FFXIV: ARR. Final Fantasy XIV gil. The license I mentioned above is basically a discussion of what people can and cannot do with the assets from the game , including video, audio, and other copyrighted and trademarked materials.