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v2.4 to Feature One New Dungeon, Two Hard Mode Dungeons

The next patch for Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn is set to give dungeon delvers more to explore. One brand new dungeon, "Snowcloak", will be added, as well as a pair of hard mode dungeons (Sastasha and the Sunken Temple of Qarn) will make their debut with the next patch.


    The landscape of Eorzea has undergone a great many changes in the wake of the Calamity, giving way to anomalies heretofore unseen. cheap ffxi gil. The great ice wall, Snowcloak, is one such construct molded in the aftermath of Bahamut's rampage. Once thought to be impassable, recent reports tell of a network of tunnels piercing through the heart of this crystalline impasse. Duty demands these passageways be investigated, but woe unto he who finds their creator.