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Yoshi-P Raises the Possibility of Adding Blitzball to FFXIV

In a conversation with the folks over at IGN, Final Fantaxy XIV's Naoki Yoshida raised the possibility of adding the underwater sport of Blitzball (originally featured in Final Fantasy X) to FFXIV.

"We can't say it's been decided yet, this may be just half-joking so don't write it down as confirmed," he said. "But there was a meeting about two months ago where I had a chance to speak with Kitase-San, and I mentioned there seemed to be a big demand for implementing a Blitzball element in Final Fantasy XIV, and Kitase-San was just like, 'Oh wow, I never knew that? That could be cool to consider!'

The bit of news also came with hints that players may see some sort of in-game tie-in with the launch of Final Fantasy XV. cheap ffxi gil. This wouldn't be the first time FFXIV enjoyed a game launch tie-in. Players were previously able to collect items themed after the characters in the Final Fantasy XIII games as part of a promotional event for the launch of Final Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.