May 12 Views (855)

FFXIV - Group Friendly, Elf-less Community?

Results from a poll posted to the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn community paint an interesting picture of the community's potential make up. We weigh in on the results in this week's column.

    The poll's race breakdown data is particularly noteworthy to me. Most MMO players would expect the usual suspects (Humans, Elves, insert diminutive race here) to top the charts, but based off the data we're seeing expect a whole lot of catgirls and boys – and giants. Lots and lots of giants. Final Fantasy XIV gil. Elves (Elezen) make up only a total of 7% of respondents while Miqo'te (cat folk) make up 34% and Roegadyn (giants) come in at 23%. Yes, they even beat out Humans (22%).