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Ready to Lift the Veil

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is ready to hit its beta phase of development, a long process since the original disastrous launch not many years ago. We've got a special preview from a recent event hosted by Square Enix. Check it out before heading to the comments.

Graphically, this is indeed a whole new world. Every aspect of the landscape has been given a makeover, some places to the point where you would not recognize them from their previous incarnations and they're now much larger. The Morabay drydocks have gone from being some rocky cliffs backdropped by a large mass of water dwelling below them are now full of ivory platforms and bustling trade. Final Fantasy XIV gil. Camp Tranquil now resembles a militaristic encampment rather than an overnight bonfire in the woods with the other cub scouts. And the Black Brush plains still have a tinge of that Arizona desert plains vibe, but now there's much more color and plant life. Technical additions like lens flares, a larger color palette and fine details like fruit growing on plants in gardens hopes to make the make the world of Hydaelyn a more inviting place to play.