May 12 Views (1059)

On Track for Beta

The latest Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Producer's Letter has cropped up on the official site and by all reports, it appears that the beta is on track for a February deployment. While the first beta will be limited area-wise, there will be "plenty of Full Active Time Events" to take part in.

The team and I have been working tirelessly to meet our deadlines for the upcoming beta test. While I'm sure the wait has been unbearable, you'll be happy to know that I've just completed my last round of checks. cheap ffxi gil. We're now making final adjustments to the client, doing our best to stay on track.

Although phase one will be limited to areas around Gridania like the alpha test, there will be plenty of Full Active Time Events to try, and we've put everything we've got into creating an exciting game experience. It won't be long now before the testing begins, and in my next letter you can expect an announcement for the starting date.