Pokemon GO: Incognito And Kangaskhan In Selected Cities

This weekend, Incognito and Kangaskhan will appear in Pokemon GO in Germany! We'll show you where this happens.

DOFUS Touch Crafting Bonus Weekend

DOFUS Touch released a new bonus event this Friday! Players who enter the event can get +25% bonus XP from August 11 to August 13.

MapleStory: Arcana Comes to Arcane River

MapleStory added a new region Arcana to continent of Arcane River! A once beautiful forest of light that has been corrupted by darkness is available to level 225 players who have defeated Lucid and completed the Decisive Battle quest in Lachelein.

FFXIV: The Class/Job System Is Endlessly Enjoyable

In Final Fantasy XIV, the class/job system is endlessly enjoyable. The system of Final Fantasy XIV is very unique, at the same time, its system is similar to class work. You can create your item, the aim is to successfully craft the item, which is extremely useful to just about any adventurer.

FFXIV: How To Defeat Dangerous And Powerful Enemy Lakshmi

Lakshmi is one of the most dangerous and powerful enemy of the PS4 and PC game. How to defeat Lakshmi? Even if this character is presented as one of the most difficult opponents to defeat the new expansion Stormblood, nevertheless, we give you some tips that will surely help you to combat and take the best when playing.

Pokemon GO: The Unown And Kangaskhan Available In Europe

The festivities for the first anniversary of Pokemon GO continue: After deploying the legendary, Niantic announces that new Pokemon to catch will land for European players.

MapleStory Guide On Making Mesos As Kanna

Players always need mesos to enhance their equipment with Star Force when playing MapleStory. Some of them farm mesos with the third job Kanna.

The Next Final Fantasy XIV Event Soon To Be Come

Concerning the next Final Fantasy XIV event, it can be said that it is coming. According to Square Enix, the Moonfire Faire, will return next week, on August 8. Like previous years, the FFXIV event gives players a chance to snag some exclusive summer-themed gear, for this time event, this following are equipments and items that we will be able to obtain. Further information and tips, see more at here.

FFXIV Has Consistently Surpassed All Reasonable Expectations

You get weapon-summoning powers, enjoying the world of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV. Now, many gamers still play old content just to get random gear from it to match new glamours, which is an interesting trend. In Final Fantasy XIV, there you can transmog any previous piece of gear you own, not just items that you currently hold right now in some capacity.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Crown Store Updates

August comes to The Elder Scrolls Online! In the latest updates of Crown Store, players can get Nord costumes and other items.

MapleStory 2 Trailers For Eight Playable Classes

In this article, we'll show you the eight normal classes in MapleStory 2.

Pokemon GO - Legendary Pokemon Moltres Is There

With Moltres, the next legendary monster in Pokemon GO is on the 31st of July. Since groups from three to four coaches have already succeeded in defeating the raid opponents, it is clear: Moltres is much easier than Articunos. Until the 7th of August you have time to catch the Legendary Pokemon.
Displaying 145-156 of 584 results.