MapleStory Guide On Making Mesos As Kanna

Players always need mesos to enhance their equipment with Star Force when playing MapleStory. Some of them farm mesos with the third job Kanna.

The Next Final Fantasy XIV Event Soon To Be Come

Concerning the next Final Fantasy XIV event, it can be said that it is coming. According to Square Enix, the Moonfire Faire, will return next week, on August 8. Like previous years, the FFXIV event gives players a chance to snag some exclusive summer-themed gear, for this time event, this following are equipments and items that we will be able to obtain. Further information and tips, see more at here.

FFXIV Has Consistently Surpassed All Reasonable Expectations

You get weapon-summoning powers, enjoying the world of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV. Now, many gamers still play old content just to get random gear from it to match new glamours, which is an interesting trend. In Final Fantasy XIV, there you can transmog any previous piece of gear you own, not just items that you currently hold right now in some capacity.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Crown Store Updates

August comes to The Elder Scrolls Online! In the latest updates of Crown Store, players can get Nord costumes and other items.

MapleStory 2 Trailers For Eight Playable Classes

In this article, we'll show you the eight normal classes in MapleStory 2.

Pokemon GO - Legendary Pokemon Moltres Is There

With Moltres, the next legendary monster in Pokemon GO is on the 31st of July. Since groups from three to four coaches have already succeeded in defeating the raid opponents, it is clear: Moltres is much easier than Articunos. Until the 7th of August you have time to catch the Legendary Pokemon.

Final Fantasy XIV Game Servers Was Suffering A DDoS Attack

According to Square Enix, Final Fantasy XIV was suffering a DDoS attack on its North American data center. The timing of the attack appeared to coincide with the launch of the Stormblood expansion on June 20. Square Enix have been implementing related measures to deal with the issues. Whether buying Final Fantasy XIV Gil or FFXIV Power Leveling, be sure to access to reliable store.

FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest: Create A Look Great Furniture

When you playing Final Fantasy XIV, have you ever attempted to gone throughout the land and looked at the furnishings and other items? If you have nothing in your house, there is no doubt that the house is just like an empty shell. Hence, you require some items to decorate your own house, what are you to do?

Pokemon GO: GO Fest Event Brought Nearly 6 Million In Revenue A Day

July 23, 2017 was the most powerful day in the history of Pokemon GO and the day when Niantic released the Legendary Pokemon. Despite the disastrous GO Fest events and the server problems, the players spent almost six million US dollars.

DOFUS Touch: Kwismas Will Revenge On Vulkania Island

A revenge of Nicholas Kwismas is coming to Vulkania Island while you travel here. It's the cost of Kwismas's Final Mission since Grozilla and Grasmera invaded Kwismas Island in the year 639.

FFXIV Is One Of The Best And Most Rewarding MMO's Out There

Unlike most MMO's, Final Fantasy XIV forces you to do group content/dungeons in order to progress the storyline. Some gamers think that Final Fantasy XIV is one of the best and most rewarding MMO's out there, what's more, in late game, it does have some grindy elements. The game basically took the good bits that made Final Fantasy unique.

FFXIV Stormblood: 4.0 Is Done But The Story Is Far From Over

The second expansion for Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood have been launched on June 20th, 2017. Due to the new expansion was unveiled, and the game introduces many changes, new and beautiful areas need to be explored. Nevertheless, owing to an unexpectedly high volume of players, during the Early Access period, the game suffered many glitches, as a result of that, a beautiful expansion all but unplayable.
Displaying 145-156 of 578 results.